Instructor of:
- Corporate Finance (6 semesters)
- Banking Practice and Policy (3 semesters)
- Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (4 semesters)
- International Economics and Finance (9 semesters)
- Principles of Economics (10 semesters)
- Managerial Economics (2 Semesters)
- Predictive Analytics (1 Semester)
Teaching in small (3-40 students), mid-sized (40-100 students), and large (100-650 students) classes.
Teaching some classes in completely online settings (before, during, and after the pandemic)
Teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses.
Fifteen-year average of my student evaluations: 92% of students (986/1070) agree with that the course was excellent, and 91% of students (992/1085) were satisfied with me as the instructor.

- Sam Johnson, University of South Carolina, 2022 –
- Hannah Boyajieff, University of South Carolina, 2021 –
- Batraz Albegov, University of South Carolina, 2021 –
- Jack Spiehs, University of South Carolina, 2021-2022
- Emilio Castañeda, Governors State University, 2020
- Kevin Maloney, Georgetown University, 2017
- Denis Peralta, Utah State University, 2014-2015
- Hanh Tran, Utah State University, 2014-2015
- Jillian E. Chappel, Utah State University, 2014-2015
- Joel Holguin, Utah State University, 2014-2015
- Karla Gomez Bido, Utah State University, 2014
- Merlym M. Ramirez, Utah State University, 2014
- Yamil Vargas Hedeman, Utah State University, 2014
- Crista R. Vance, Utah State University, 2014
- Ashleigh A. Newton, Texas A&M University, 2009
- Sarah Neusch, Texas A&M University, 2008

- Recognition for the academic advancement, Georgetown University, 2017
- Recognition for contribution to academic career, Texas State University, 2012
- Student Led Award for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University, 2010
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Texas A&M University, 2009
- Senior Thesis Advisor Award, Texas A&M University, 2009

Teaching Excellence Award.

In-Person Teaching.

Pandemic teaching with green screen.

Weatherman style teaching.