Please send an email to to request the most recent versions of my research papers.

- Finance: Banking, Financial Stability, FinTech, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Financial Markets
- Machine Learning: Financial AI and Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Cryptocurrencies
- Econometrics: Applied Econometrics, Statistical Methods, Modeling, Econometric Programming
- Agenda: Apply cutting-edge machine learning techniques and econometric programming to new research areas in banking and finance



- "Endogenous Bank Supervision and Regulation: Long Term Implications" with O. K. Karakoyun and B. Neyaptı. Journal of Financial Stability. 2024
- "Whose bailout is it anyway? Political connections of small businesses vs. banks in PPP bailouts" with A. N. Berger and R. A. Roman. Journal of Financial Intermediation. 2023
- "GPT-3 Models are Few-Shot Financial Reasoners" with R. Salles de Padua and I. Qureshi. arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2307.13617. 2023
- "Panel Stochastic Frontier Models with Endogeneity" Stata Journal. 2022
[The Stata Journal’s 5-year impact factor: 5.88]
- "This Time is Really Different The Multiplier Effect of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) on Small Business Bank Loans" Journal of Banking & Finance. 2021
- "A Solution to Log of Dependent Variables with Negative Observations: Profit Efficiencies of the US Banks" with L. Kutlu and M. G. Tsionas. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 2020
- "A Dynamic Stochastic Frontier Model with Threshold Effect: US Bank Size and Efficiency" with P. Almanidis and L. Kutlu. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 2019
- "xtsfkk: Stata Module for Endogenous Panel Stochastic Frontier Models" Available at Boston College, Department of Economics, Statistical Software Components (SSC) S458445. 2018
xtsfkk StataList Announcements
Example Stata Datasets:
- "Estimating Market Power Using a Composed Error Model" with L. Kutlu, Scottish Journal of Political Economy. 2018
- "Consolidation Policies: Endogenous Cost Inefficiency and Saving Reversals" with L. Kutlu, Empirical Economics. 2018
- "Endogeneity in Panel Stochastic Frontier Models" with L. Kutlu, Applied Economics. 2017
- "Handling Endogeneity in Stochastic Frontier Analysis" with L. Kutlu, Economics Bulletin. 2017
- "Fitting Endogenous Stochastic Frontier Models in Stata" Stata Journal. 2017
- "sfkk: Stata Module for Endogenous Stochastic Frontier Models" Available at Boston College, Department of Economics, Statistical Software Components (SSC) S458029. 2015
sfkk StataList Announcements
Example Stata Datasets:
- "Market Concentration and the Scale-Efficiency Tradeoff" with T. J. Gronberg, D. W. Jansen, and L. L. Taylor, Southern Economic Journal. 2015
- "The Conditional Effects of External Debt of Inflation" Journal of Social and Economic Research, 2009
- "The Effects of Aid on Foreign Direct Investment: The Roles of Governance and Financial Market Development" Master’s Thesis, Bilkent University, 2005.
- "Aid and Foreign Direct Investment: International Evidence" with B. Neyaptı and S. Sayek-Böke, Bilkent University Discussion Papers 05-05, 2005.

I have several working papers and papers under review. Please send an email to to request the most recent versions of my research papers.

- $19,113,403. Co-Investigator. External grant funded by the U.S. federal and state agencies, and private organizations. A multi-year large scale randomized control trial field experiment.
Key Project Achievements:
- Worked with government officials including the U.S. Secretary of Education.
- Provided legislative testimony to the Senate.

- $10,000 Finance Faculty Award for Research, University of South Carolina, 2023
- Keynote Speech with co-authors at the Meeting of Heads of Financial Stability (CEMLA), 2022
- $10,000 H. Montague Osteen, Jr. Research Grant, University of South Carolina, 2022
- $10,000 Research Summer Support, University of South Carolina, 2022

Giving the Keynote Speech.
With some of the global central bank directors.